The Healing Benefits of Art Focused Therapy

Art provides a powerful means for children and youth to express their feelings and emotions through an image or creation. This approach encourages self-discovery, personal expression, and healing. Projects might involve use of methods such as painting, sculpting, drawing, and the development of personalized creations. Upon completion creations are explored according to the perspective of the client that created them to allow insight into the symbolism behind their creations.
Art provides a safe and non-threatening means of externalizing experiences and allows for expression when no words are available. Often children and youth with the most intensive needs benefit greatly from these services as trauma is a sensory experience which impacts the ability to use left brain functions (language, impulse control, cause and effect etc.) it is not simply that I will not tell you what happened, sometimes I cannot tell you as I do not have access to the language and cognitive expressive domains. I do however in this state have access to images and sensory memory (sights, sounds, smells, sensations etc.). Art allows for expression of these sensory memories which creates a sense of safety and regulation this leads to the return of higher order cognitive functions (when safety has been experienced).
The photo (above) is of a worry creature.
Art provides a safe and non-threatening means of externalizing experiences and allows for expression when no words are available. Often children and youth with the most intensive needs benefit greatly from these services as trauma is a sensory experience which impacts the ability to use left brain functions (language, impulse control, cause and effect etc.) it is not simply that I will not tell you what happened, sometimes I cannot tell you as I do not have access to the language and cognitive expressive domains. I do however in this state have access to images and sensory memory (sights, sounds, smells, sensations etc.). Art allows for expression of these sensory memories which creates a sense of safety and regulation this leads to the return of higher order cognitive functions (when safety has been experienced).
The photo (above) is of a worry creature.
Curious about Art Based Therapy? Did you know....
- Art based therapy is NOT about artistic talent, skill, or ability?
- that neuroscientists can see that when someone imagines doing something (e.g., watching a sunset or riding a bicycle) the areas of the brain involved in actually doing the activity are activated and light up on the brain scan?
- that the field of neuroscience (through technologies such as MRI/PET imaging) has begun to show proof that Art Therapy has a positive effect psychologically and emotionally?
- that Art based therapy affects the wiring of the brain?
- that making imagery / art is more powerful than simply imagining it and that doing it can actually make lasting changes in the brain?
So What is Art Based Therapy?
Art based therapy is a way of working therapeutically by integrating the process of creating with our hands, minds, and hearts to explore and reconcile emotional conflicts; reduce anxiety; foster self-awareness; increase self-esteem; and enhance social skills.
Art based therapy is based on psychodynamic theory, developmental, and humanistic psychologies.
Art based therapy begins with self-expression in order to reveal distress and psychological suffering by eliminating the pressure or need to 'have to talk' thereby enabling the process of personal healing and growth.
Art based therapy is based on psychodynamic theory, developmental, and humanistic psychologies.
Art based therapy begins with self-expression in order to reveal distress and psychological suffering by eliminating the pressure or need to 'have to talk' thereby enabling the process of personal healing and growth.